Sunday, 11 February 2018

Are samurai swords, katana and wakizashi legal in the UK?

We're often asked about the legalities in the UK: Are samurai swords, katana and wakizashi legal?  Does one need a license to own them?

This post aims to touch on the key points of sword and knife ownership in the UK at the time of writing, with links to more detailed information.

At the time of writing this post (please see links / more detailed information below for any changes), the scenario is as follows:

  • All products sold on our website are legal to own in the UK. 
  • You can not carry a knife or a sword in public without a valid reason. 
  • Anyone purchasing a knife or a sword must be over 18 years of age.
  • Certain types of knives are not legal in the UK, such as disguised knives (flick knives, butterfly knives etc.) and therefore are not sold on this website.
  • Samurai and other curved swords are legal, *AS LONG AS* they have been handmade using traditional production methods. All swords sold on our site are made using traditional methods and are legal in the UK. 

For current laws and more detailed information, please refer to:

More information can also be found in our legal section here

